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OpenVidu Single Node: On-premises configuration and administration#

The OpenVidu installer offers an easy way to deploy OpenVidu Single Node on-premises. However, once the deployment is complete, you may need to perform administrative tasks based on your specific requirements, such as changing passwords, specifying custom configurations, and starting or stopping services.

This section provides details on configuration parameters and common administrative tasks for on-premises OpenVidu Single Node deployments.

OpenVidu configuration#

Directory structure#

OpenVidu is installed at /opt/openvidu/ and has a systemd service located at /etc/systemd/system/openvidu.service.

The directory structure of OpenVidu is as follows:

|-- /opt/openvidu
    |-- config/
    |-- custom-layout/
    |-- data/
    |-- deployment-info.yaml
    |-- docker-compose.override.yml
    |-- docker-compose.yml
    |-- .env
    `-- owncert/
  • config/: Contains the configuration files for the services deployed with OpenVidu.
  • custom-layout/: An empty directory where you can place Custom Recording Templates for the Egress service.
  • data/: Contains the data generated by the services deployed with OpenVidu.
  • deployment-info.yaml: Contains the deployment information of OpenVidu.
  • docker-compose.override.yml: Contains the service with the Default App (OpenVidu Call).
  • docker-compose.yml: Contains the main services deployed with OpenVidu.
  • .env: Contains parameters managed by multiple services.
  • owncert/: Contains the custom certificates for the Caddy server if you are using your own certificates.

Services Configuration#

Some services deployed with OpenVidu have their own configuration files located in the /opt/openvidu/config/ directory, while others are configured in the .env file. Below are the services and their respective configuration files and parameters:


The installer provides default configurations that work out of the box. However, you can modify these configurations to suit your specific requirements.

Configuration Files#

Service Description
Configuration File Location
Reference documentation
OpenVidu Server Manages video rooms. It is compatible with LiveKit configuration and includes its own OpenVidu configuration parameters /opt/openvidu/config/livekit.yaml LiveKit Config
Ingress Service Imports video from other sources into OpenVidu rooms. /opt/openvidu/config/ingress.yaml LiveKit Ingress Config
Egress Service Exports video from OpenVidu rooms for recording or streaming. /opt/openvidu/config/egress.yaml LiveKit Egress Config
Caddy Server Serves OpenVidu services and handles HTTPS. /opt/openvidu/config/caddy.yaml Caddy JSON Structure
Prometheus Service Used for monitoring. /opt/openvidu/config/prometheus.yaml Prometheus Config
Loki Service Used for log aggregation. /opt/openvidu/config/loki.yaml Loki Config
Promtail Service Collects logs and sends them to Loki. /opt/openvidu/config/promtail.yaml Promtail Config
Grafana Service Used for visualizing monitoring data. /opt/openvidu/config/grafana_config/ Grafana Config

Environment Variables#

Service Description Environment Variables
OpenVidu Server Manages video rooms.
  • LIVEKIT_API_KEY: The API key to access the LiveKit service.
  • LIVEKIT_API_SECRET: The API secret to access the LiveKit service.
If you need to change the LiveKit API key and secret after the installation, check the advanced configuration section.
Grafana Service Used for visualizing monitoring data.
  • GRAFANA_ADMIN_USERNAME: The username to access the Grafana dashboard.
  • GRAFANA_ADMIN_PASSWORD: The password to access the Grafana dashboard.
OpenVidu Dashboard Used to visualize OpenVidu Server Rooms, Ingress, and Egress services.
  • DASHBOARD_ADMIN_USERNAME: The username to access the OpenVidu Dashboard.
  • DASHBOARD_ADMIN_PASSWORD: The password to access the OpenVidu Dashboard.
Default App (OpenVidu Call) Default ready-to-use video conferencing app.
  • CALL_PRIVATE_ACCESS: If set to true, the app will be private and require authentication. If set to false, the app will be public and accessible without authentication. The user is configured with CALL_USER and CALL_SECRET parameters.
  • CALL_USER: The username to access the app. This parameter is only used if CALL_PRIVATE_ACCESS is set to true.
  • CALL_SECRET: The password to access the app. This parameter is only used if CALL_PRIVATE_ACCESS is set to true.
  • CALL_ADMIN_USERNAME: The username to access the OpenVidu Call Admin Panel.
  • CALL_ADMIN_SECRET: The password to access the OpenVidu Call Admin Panel.
  • LIVEKIT_API_KEY: The API key to access the LiveKit service.
  • LIVEKIT_API_SECRET: The API secret to access the LiveKit service.
Redis Service Used as a shared memory database for OpenVidu and Ingress/Egress services.
  • REDIS_PASSWORD: The password for the Redis service.
If you need to change the Redis password after the installation, check the advanced configuration section.
MinIO Service Used for storing recordings.
  • MINIO_ACCESS_KEY: The access key for the MinIO service.
  • MINIO_SECRET_KEY: The secret key for the MinIO service.
If you need to change the MinIO access key and secret key after the installation, check the advanced configuration section.
MongoDB Service Used for storing analytics and monitoring data.
  • MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME: The username to access the MongoDB database.
  • MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD: The password to access the MongoDB database.
If you need to change the MongoDB username and password after the installation, check the advanced configuration section.

OpenVidu Configuration Parameters#

OpenVidu Server is built on top of LiveKit and offers extra configuration options. You can find the configuration file at /opt/openvidu/config/livekit.yaml. The additional parameters for configuring the OpenVidu Server are:

    analytics: # (1)
        enabled: true # (2)
        mongo_url: mongodb://<MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME>:<MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD>@localhost:20000/ # (3)
        interval: 10s # (4)
        expiration: 768h # (5)
  1. The analytics configuration should be defined at the openvidu level in the livekit.yaml file.
  2. This must be set to true to send analytics data to MongoDB. If set to false, no analytics data will be sent.
  3. MongoDB connection string. In OpenVidu Single Node, the MongoDB service is running on the same machine, so you can use localhost as the hostname. The default port in OpenVidu for MongoDB is 20000. MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME and MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD are the credentials to access the MongoDB database.
  4. Time interval to send analytics data to MongoDB.
  5. Time to keep the analytics data in MongoDB. In this example, it is set to 32 days.

Starting, stopping, and restarting OpenVidu#

You can start, stop, and restart the OpenVidu services using the following commands:

Start OpenVidu

sudo systemctl start openvidu

Stop OpenVidu

sudo systemctl stop openvidu

Restart OpenVidu

sudo systemctl restart openvidu

Checking the status of services#

You can check the status of the OpenVidu services using the following command:

cd /opt/openvidu/
docker compose ps

The services are operating correctly if you see an output similar to the following and there are no restarts from any of the services:

NAME         IMAGE                                        COMMAND                  SERVICE      CREATED          STATUS
app             "docker-entrypoint.s…"   app          19 seconds ago   Up 16 seconds
caddy            "/bin/caddy run --co…"   caddy        19 seconds ago   Up 16 seconds
dashboard        "./openvidu-dashboard"   dashboard    19 seconds ago   Up 16 seconds
egress                     "/"         egress       18 seconds ago   Up 14 seconds
grafana                    "/"                grafana      18 seconds ago   Up 13 seconds
ingress                    "ingress"                ingress      19 seconds ago   Up 14 seconds
loki                       "/usr/bin/loki -conf…"   loki         18 seconds ago   Up 14 seconds
minio                      "/opt/bitnami/script…"   minio        18 seconds ago   Up 14 seconds
mongo                              "docker-entrypoint.s…"   mongo        18 seconds ago   Up 15 seconds
openvidu           "/livekit-server --c…"   openvidu     19 seconds ago   Up 14 seconds
prometheus                    "/bin/prometheus --c…"   prometheus   18 seconds ago   Up 14 seconds
promtail                   "/usr/bin/promtail -…"   promtail     18 seconds ago   Up 14 seconds
redis                              "docker-entrypoint.s…"   redis        19 seconds ago   Up 15 seconds

Checking logs#

If any of the services are not working as expected, you can check the logs of the services using the following command:

cd /opt/openvidu/
docker compose logs <service-name>

Replace <service-name> with the name of the service you want to check. For example, to check the logs of the OpenVidu Server, use the following command:

cd /opt/openvidu/
docker compose logs openvidu

To check the logs of all services, use the following command:

cd /opt/openvidu/
docker compose logs

You can also review your logs using the Grafana dashboard provided with OpenVidu. To access it, go to https://<>/grafana and use the credentials located in /opt/openvidu/.env to log in. Once inside, navigate to the "Home" section, select "Dashboard", and then click on "OpenVidu > OpenVidu Logs". All the logs will be displayed there.

Advanced Configuration#

This section addresses advanced configuration scenarios for customizing your OpenVidu Single Node deployment. It includes automating the installation with personalized settings, enabling or disabling OpenVidu modules, and modifying global parameters such as the domain name, passwords, and API keys.

Automatic installation and configuration#

For environments like the cloud, where instances are frequently spun up and down, automating the application of custom configurations to OpenVidu may be useful for you.

If you need to automate these configuration changes, you can use the following script template as an example:

# 1. First install OpenVidu (1)
sh <(curl -fsSL \
    --domain-name-or-ip='' \
    ... # Add the rest of the arguments

# 2. Add custom configurations (2)
# If you want to apply any modification to the configuration files
# of the OpenVidu services at /opt/openvidu, you can do it in this section.

# Example 1: Change public IP address announced by OpenVidu for WebRTC connections
yq eval '.rtc.node_ip =' \
    -i /opt/openvidu/config/livekit.yaml

# Example 2: Add a webhook to LiveKit
yq eval '.webhook.urls += [""]' \
    -i /opt/openvidu/config/livekit.yaml


# 3. Start OpenVidu # (3)
systemctl start openvidu
  1. First, install OpenVidu using the OpenVidu installer. Check the installation guide for more information.
  2. Add the custom configurations you need to apply to the OpenVidu services. You can use yq or other tools to modify the configuration files. You can find more information about yq here.
  3. Start OpenVidu to apply the changes.


In case you want to deploy a specific version, just replace latest with the desired version. For example: 3.0.0.

Just install OpenVidu first with the installer and then run some extra commands to apply the custom configurations. This way, you can automate the process of installing OpenVidu and applying custom configurations.

Enabling and disabling OpenVidu modules#

The COMPOSE_PROFILES parameter in the .env file allows you to enable or disable specific modules in OpenVidu. The following modules can be enabled or disabled:

Enabling the observability module

In case you have installed OpenVidu with the observability module, you just need to enable the observability module in the .env file.

Otherwise, you can follow these steps to enable the observability module:

  1. Stop OpenVidu and backup the deployment

    sudo systemctl stop openvidu
    sudo cp -r /opt/openvidu/ /opt/openvidu_backup/
  2. Update the .env file

    Add to the COMPOSE_PROFILES the observability module. Also make sure to set up the GRAFANA_ADMIN_USERNAME and GRAFANA_ADMIN_PASSWORD parameters.

    If you have only the observability module enabled, your .env file should have the following environment variables:

  3. Enable Prometheus port in LiveKit

    Just add the following parameter in the config/livekit.yaml file:

    prometheus_port: 6789

Disabling the observability module

If you have the observability module enabled, and you want to disable it, just remove the observability module from the COMPOSE_PROFILES parameter in the .env file.

Enabling the app module

In case you have installed OpenVidu with the app module, you just need to enable the app module in the .env file.

Otherwise, you can follow these steps to enable the app module:

  1. Stop OpenVidu and backup the deployment

    sudo systemctl stop openvidu
    sudo cp -r /opt/openvidu/ /opt/openvidu_backup/
  2. Update the .env file

    Add to the COMPOSE_PROFILES the app module.

    If you have only the app module enabled, your .env file should have the following environment variable:

  3. Enable LiveKit webhooks for the Default App

    Just add the following parameter in the config/livekit.yaml file:

        api_key: "<LIVEKIT_API_KEY>"
            - http://localhost:6080/api/webhook

    Where <LIVEKIT_API_KEY> is the LIVEKIT_API_KEY parameter in the .env file.

Disabling the app module

If you have the app module enabled, and you want to disable it, just remove the app module from the COMPOSE_PROFILES parameter in the .env file.

Global configuration changes#

Some configuration parameters may require modifying multiple configuration files. Below are some examples of advanced configurations and how to apply them:


Usually, this is not needed because the installer takes care of generating all of this parameters. However, it is necessary if any password, credential, or domain change is needed.


Advanced configurations should be performed with caution. Incorrect configurations can lead to service failures or unexpected behavior.

Before making any changes, make sure to back up your installation by creating a snapshot of your server or by copying the /opt/openvidu/ directory to a safe location. For example:

sudo cp -r /opt/openvidu/ /opt/openvidu_backup/

To change all occurrences of the domain or public IP address in the configuration files, follow these steps:

  1. Stop OpenVidu and back up the deployment

    sudo systemctl stop openvidu
    sudo cp -r /opt/openvidu/ /opt/openvidu_backup/
  2. Find the current locations of DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP

    With the following commands, you can find all occurrences of the current domain or public IP address in the configuration files:

    sudo su
    cd /opt/openvidu/
    CURRENT_DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP="$(grep '^DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP' /opt/openvidu/.env | cut -d '=' -f 2)"
    grep --exclude-dir=data -IHnr "$CURRENT_DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP" .

    The output should look similar to the following:

    ./config/caddy.yaml:        - certificate: /owncert/<CURRENT_DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP>.cert
    ./config/caddy.yaml:          key: /owncert/<CURRENT_DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP>.key
    ./config/caddy.yaml:            - <CURRENT_DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP>
    ./config/caddy.yaml:                    - <CURRENT_DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP>
    ./config/caddy.yaml:                        - <CURRENT_DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP>
    ./config/caddy.yaml:                    - <CURRENT_DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP>
    ./config/caddy.yaml:                        - <CURRENT_DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP>
    ./config/caddy.yaml:                  - <CURRENT_DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP>
    ./config/promtail.yaml:          cluster_id: <CURRENT_DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP>
    ./config/livekit.yaml:    rtmp_base_url: rtmps://<CURRENT_DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP>:1935/rtmp
    ./config/livekit.yaml:    whip_base_url: https://<CURRENT_DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP>/whip


    Don't worry if some values are different in your output. It may vary depending on the parameters you've used to install OpenVidu.

  3. Update the Following Files:

    Based on the output from the previous step, update the following files with the new domain or public IP address:

    • .env
    • config/caddy.yaml
    • config/promtail.yaml
    • config/livekit.yaml
  4. Verify the changes

    These commands will list all occurrences of the new DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP in the configuration files. The output should match the locations found in the initial search but with the new domain or public IP address.

    sudo su
    cd /opt/openvidu/
    grep --exclude-dir=data -IHnr "$NEW_DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP" .
  5. Start OpenVidu

    sudo systemctl start openvidu

Some notes on changing the DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP parameter:

  • If you are using your own certificates, you need to place the new ones at /opt/openvidu/owncert/<NEW_DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP>.cert and /opt/openvidu/owncert/<NEW_DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP>.key.
  • Make sure your new domain is pointing correctly to the machine where OpenVidu is installed.

To change the REDIS_PASSWORD parameter, follow these steps:

  1. Stop OpenVidu and back up the deployment

    sudo systemctl stop openvidu
    sudo cp -r /opt/openvidu/ /opt/openvidu_backup/
  2. Find the current locations of REDIS_PASSWORD

    With the following command, you can find all occurrences of the current REDIS_PASSWORD in the configuration files:

    sudo su
    cd /opt/openvidu/
    CURRENT_REDIS_PASSWORD="$(grep REDIS_PASSWORD /opt/openvidu/.env | cut -d '=' -f 2)"
    grep --exclude-dir=data -IHnr "$CURRENT_REDIS_PASSWORD" .

    The output should look similar to the following:

    ./config/egress.yaml:    password: <CURRENT_REDIS_PASSWORD>
    ./config/ingress.yaml:    password: <CURRENT_REDIS_PASSWORD>
    ./config/livekit.yaml:    password: <CURRENT_REDIS_PASSWORD>
  3. Update the Following Files:

    Based on the output from the previous step, update the following files with the new value:

    • .env
    • config/egress.yaml
    • config/ingress.yaml
    • config/livekit.yaml
  4. Verify the changes

    These commands will list all occurrences of the new REDIS_PASSWORD in the configuration files. The output should match the locations found in the initial search but with the new value.

    sudo su
    cd /opt/openvidu/
    grep --exclude-dir=data -IHnr "$NEW_REDIS_PASSWORD" .
  5. Start OpenVidu

    sudo systemctl start openvidu

To change the LIVEKIT_API_KEY and LIVEKIT_API_SECRET parameters, follow these steps:

  1. Stop OpenVidu and back up the deployment

    sudo systemctl stop openvidu
    sudo cp -r /opt/openvidu/ /opt/openvidu_backup/
  2. Find the current locations of LIVEKIT_API_KEY and LIVEKIT_API_SECRET

    With the following commands, you can find all occurrences of the current LIVEKIT_API_KEY and LIVEKIT_API_SECRET in the configuration files:

    sudo su
    cd /opt/openvidu/
    CURRENT_LIVEKIT_API_KEY="$(grep LIVEKIT_API_KEY /opt/openvidu/.env | cut -d '=' -f 2)"
    CURRENT_LIVEKIT_API_SECRET="$(grep LIVEKIT_API_SECRET /opt/openvidu/.env | cut -d '=' -f 2)"
    grep --exclude-dir=data -IHnr "$CURRENT_LIVEKIT_API_KEY" .
    grep --exclude-dir=data -IHnr "$CURRENT_LIVEKIT_API_SECRET" .

    The output should look similar to the following for LIVEKIT_API_KEY:

    ./config/egress.yaml:api_key: <CURRENT_LIVEKIT_API_KEY>
    ./config/livekit.yaml:    api_key: <CURRENT_LIVEKIT_API_KEY>


    ./config/egress.yaml:api_secret: <CURRENT_LIVEKIT_API_SECRET>
    ./config/ingress.yaml:api_secret: <CURRENT_LIVEKIT_API_SECRET>
  3. Update the Following Files:

    Based on the output from the previous step, update the following files with the new values:

    • .env
    • config/egress.yaml
    • config/ingress.yaml
    • config/livekit.yaml
  4. Verify the changes

    These commands will list all occurrences of the new LIVEKIT_API_KEY and LIVEKIT_API_SECRET in the configuration files. The output should match the locations found in the initial search but with the new values.

    sudo su
    cd /opt/openvidu/
    grep --exclude-dir=data -IHnr "$NEW_LIVEKIT_API_KEY" .
    grep --exclude-dir=data -IHnr "$NEW_LIVEKIT_API_SECRET" .
  5. Start OpenVidu

    sudo systemctl start openvidu

To change the MINIO_ACCESS_KEY and MINIO_SECRET_KEY parameters, follow these steps:

  1. Stop OpenVidu and back up the deployment

    sudo systemctl stop openvidu
    sudo cp -r /opt/openvidu/ /opt/openvidu_backup/
  2. Find the current locations of MINIO_ACCESS_KEY and MINIO_SECRET_KEY

    With the following commands, you can find all occurrences of the current MINIO_ACCESS_KEY and MINIO_SECRET_KEY in the configuration files:

    sudo su
    cd /opt/openvidu/
    CURRENT_MINIO_ACCESS_KEY="$(grep MINIO_ACCESS_KEY /opt/openvidu/.env | cut -d '=' -f 2)"
    CURRENT_MINIO_SECRET_KEY="$(grep MINIO_SECRET_KEY /opt/openvidu/.env | cut -d '=' -f 2)"
    grep --exclude-dir=data -IHnr "$CURRENT_MINIO_ACCESS_KEY" .
    grep --exclude-dir=data -IHnr "$CURRENT_MINIO_SECRET_KEY" .

    The output should look similar to the following for MINIO_ACCESS_KEY:

    ./config/egress.yaml:    access_key: <CURRENT_MINIO_ACCESS_KEY>


    ./config/egress.yaml:    secret: <CURRENT_MINIO_SECRET_KEY>
  3. Update the Following Files:

    Based on the output from the previous step, update the following files with the new values:

    • .env
    • config/egress.yaml
  4. Verify the changes

    These commands will list all occurrences of the new MINIO_ACCESS_KEY and MINIO_SECRET_KEY in the configuration files. The output should match the locations found in the initial search but with the new values.

    sudo su
    cd /opt/openvidu/
    grep --exclude-dir=data -IHnr "$NEW_MINIO_ACCESS_KEY" .
    grep --exclude-dir=data -IHnr "$NEW_MINIO_SECRET_KEY" .
  5. Start OpenVidu

    sudo systemctl start openvidu

To change the MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME and MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD parameters, follow these steps:

  1. Stop OpenVidu and back up the deployment

    sudo systemctl stop openvidu
    sudo cp -r /opt/openvidu/ /opt/openvidu_backup/
  2. Change the password through the MongoDB shell

    With OpenVidu running, change the password with the following commands:

    sudo su
    cd /opt/openvidu/
    CURRENT_MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME="$(grep MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME /opt/openvidu/.env | cut -d '=' -f 2)"
    CURRENT_MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD="$(grep MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD /opt/openvidu/.env | cut -d '=' -f 2)"
    # Change username
    docker exec -it mongo \
        mongosh admin \
        --port 20000 \
        --username "$CURRENT_MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME" \
        --password "$CURRENT_MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD" \
        --eval "db.system.users.updateOne({user: '$CURRENT_MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME'}, {\$set: {user: '$NEW_MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME'}})"
    # Change password
    docker exec -it mongo \
        mongosh admin \
        --port 20000 \
        --username "$NEW_MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME" \
        --password "$CURRENT_MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD" \
        --eval "db.changeUserPassword('$NEW_MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME', '$NEW_MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD')"

    After running these commands, the new username and password will be updated in the MongoDB database, but you still need to change the configuration files.

  3. Stop OpenVidu

    sudo systemctl stop openvidu
  4. Find the current locations of MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME and MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD

    With the following commands, you can find all occurrences of the current MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME and MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD in the configuration files:

    sudo su
    cd /opt/openvidu/
    CURRENT_MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME="$(grep MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME /opt/openvidu/.env | cut -d '=' -f 2)"
    CURRENT_MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD="$(grep MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD /opt/openvidu/.env | cut -d '=' -f 2)"
    grep --exclude-dir=data -IHnr "$CURRENT_MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME" .
    grep --exclude-dir=data -IHnr "$CURRENT_MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD" .

    The output should look similar to the following for MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME:

    ./config/livekit.yaml:        mongo_url: mongodb://<CURRENT_MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME>:<CURRENT_MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD>@


    ./config/livekit.yaml:        mongo_url: mongodb://<CURRENT_MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME>:<CURRENT_MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD>@
  5. Update the Following Files:

    Based on the output from the previous step, update the following files with the new values:

    • .env
    • config/livekit.yaml
  6. Verify the changes

    These commands will list all occurrences of the new MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME and MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD in the configuration files. The output should match the locations found in the initial search but with the new values.

    sudo su
    cd /opt/openvidu/
    grep --exclude-dir=data -IHnr "$NEW_MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME" .
    grep --exclude-dir=data -IHnr "$NEW_MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD" .
  7. Start OpenVidu

    sudo systemctl start openvidu

Uninstalling OpenVidu#

To uninstall OpenVidu, just execute the following commands:

sudo su
systemctl stop openvidu
rm -rf /opt/openvidu/
rm /etc/systemd/system/openvidu.service