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React Components#


React Components are the simplest way to create real-time audio/video applications with React. There's no need to manage state or low level events, React Components from LiveKit handle all the complexity for you.

A curated set of components that we believe are essential and serve as a solid foundation for most applications.

  • LiveKitRoom

    It provides the Room context to all its children, serving as the root component of your application, and also exposes the Room state through a React context.

    See Reference

  • RoomAudioRenderer

    It manages remote participants' audio tracks and ensures that microphones and screen sharing are audible. It also provides a way to control the volume of each participant.

    See Reference

  • TrackLoop

    Provides an easy way to loop through all participant camera and screen tracks. For each track, TrackLoop creates a TrackRefContext that you can use to render the track.

    See Reference

Prefabricated Components#

Prefabricated are constructed using components and enhanced with additional functionalities, unique styles, and practical defaults. They are designed for immediate use and are not meant to be extended.


Contexts are used to allow child components to access parent state without having to pass it down the component tree via props


Hooks are functions that let you use state and other React features without writing a class. They are functions that let you “hook into” React state and lifecycle features from function components.

React Components provides a set of hooks that you can use to interact with the components and the underlying LiveKit client.

See Reference


A practical example showcases the potential of React Components is the production-ready flagship application, LiveKit Meet. This application is built using React Components and demonstrates the power and flexibility of the library.
