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Create admin dashboard using Angular Components#

Source code

The openvidu-admin-dashboard tutorial demonstrates how to create an admin dashboard to manage the recordings of a videoconference using the OpenVidu Components Angular library.

OpenVidu Components Angular

OpenVidu Components - Admin Login

OpenVidu Components Angular

OpenVidu Components - Admin Dashboard

Running this tutorial#

1. Run OpenVidu Server#

  1. Download OpenVidu

    git clone -b 3.1.0
  2. Configure the local deployment

    cd openvidu-local-deployment/community
    cd openvidu-local-deployment/community
    cd openvidu-local-deployment/community
  3. Run OpenVidu

    docker compose up

To use a production-ready OpenVidu deployment, visit the official deployment guide.

Configure Webhooks

All application servers have an endpoint to receive webhooks from OpenVidu. For this reason, when using a production deployment you need to configure webhooks to point to your local application server in order to make it work. Check the Send Webhooks to a Local Application Server section for more information.

2. Download the tutorial code#

git clone -b 3.1.0
git clone -b 3.1.0

3. Run a server application#

To run this server application, you need Node.js installed on your device.

  1. Navigate into the server directory
    cd openvidu-livekit-tutorials/application-server/node
  2. Install dependencies
    npm install
  3. Run the application
    npm start

For more information, check the Node.js tutorial.

To run this server application, you need Go installed on your device.

  1. Navigate into the server directory
    cd openvidu-livekit-tutorials/application-server/go
  2. Run the application
    go run main.go

For more information, check the Go tutorial.

To run this server application, you need Ruby installed on your device.

  1. Navigate into the server directory
    cd openvidu-livekit-tutorials/application-server/ruby
  2. Install dependencies
    bundle install
  3. Run the application
    ruby app.rb

For more information, check the Ruby tutorial.

To run this server application, you need Java and Maven installed on your device.

  1. Navigate into the server directory
    cd openvidu-livekit-tutorials/application-server/java
  2. Run the application
    mvn spring-boot:run

For more information, check the Java tutorial.

To run this server application, you need Python 3 installed on your device.

  1. Navigate into the server directory

    cd openvidu-livekit-tutorials/application-server/python
  2. Create a python virtual environment

    python -m venv venv
  3. Activate the virtual environment

    . ./venv/bin/activate
    . ./venv/bin/activate
  4. Install dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Run the application


For more information, check the Python tutorial.

To run this server application, you need Rust installed on your device.

  1. Navigate into the server directory
    cd openvidu-livekit-tutorials/application-server/rust
  2. Run the application
    cargo run

For more information, check the Rust tutorial.

To run this server application, you need PHP and Composer installed on your device.

  1. Navigate into the server directory
    cd openvidu-livekit-tutorials/application-server/php
  2. Install dependencies
    composer install
  3. Run the application
    composer start


LiveKit PHP SDK requires library BCMath. This is available out-of-the-box in PHP for Windows, but a manual installation might be necessary in other OS. Run sudo apt install php-bcmath or sudo yum install php-bcmath

For more information, check the PHP tutorial.

To run this server application, you need .NET installed on your device.

  1. Navigate into the server directory
    cd openvidu-livekit-tutorials/application-server/dotnet
  2. Run the application
    dotnet run


This .NET server application needs the LIVEKIT_API_SECRET env variable to be at least 32 characters long. Make sure to update it here and in your OpenVidu Server.

For more information, check the .NET tutorial.

4. Run the openvidu-admin-dashboard tutorial#

To run the client application tutorial, you need Node.js installed on your development computer.

  1. Navigate into the application client directory:

      cd openvidu-tutorials/openvidu-components/openvidu-admin-dashboard
  2. Install the required dependencies:

      npm install
  3. Serve the application:

      npm start

Once the server is up and running, you can test the application by visiting http://localhost:5080.

Accessing your application client from other devices in your local network

One advantage of running OpenVidu locally is that you can test your application client with other devices in your local network very easily without worrying about SSL certificates.

Access your application client through, where xxx-yyy-zzz-www part of the domain is your LAN private IP address with dashes (-) instead of dots (.). For more information, see section Accessing your local deployment from other devices on your network.

Understanding the code#

This tutorial is an Angular project generated with Angular CLI tool. Therefore, you will see many configuration files and other components that are not the primary focus of this tutorial. We will concentrate on the following files in the src directory:

  • main.ts: This file defines the root application component. It imports the OpenViduComponentsModule, where we configure the OpenVidu Components Angular library.
  • app/app.component.ts: This file defines the AppComponent, the primary and sole component of the application. It is responsible for requesting the OpenVidu token and passing it to the videoconference component, facilitating the connection to the OpenVidu Room.
  • styles.scss: This file defines the global styles of the application. Here, you can customize the UI of the OpenVidu Components Angular library.

To use OpenVidu Components Angular in your application, you need to install the library and import the OpenViduComponentsModule in your Angular module. Let's see how to do this:

  1. Create an Angular Project (version 17 or higher)

    To begin, you will need to create a new Angular project if you haven't already. Ensure you have Node.js and the Angular CLI installed. Then, run the following command to create a new Angular project:

    ng new your-project-name

    Replace your-project-name with the desired name for your project.

  2. Add Angular Material to your project

    OpenVidu Components Angular needs Angular Material, which provides a range of UI components. To add Angular Material to your project, navigate to your project directory and run:

    ng add @angular/material
  3. Install OpenVidu Components Angular

    With your Angular project set up, it's time to add videoconferencing capabilities with OpenVidu Components Angular. Install the library using npm:

    npm install openvidu-components-angular
  4. Import and use OpenVidu Components Angular

    To use OpenVidu Components Angular in your application, you need to:

    1. Import the OpenViduComponentsModule in your Angular application.
    2. Configure the module with the OpenViduComponentsConfig object.
    3. Add the component to your template file.
    4. Assign the OpenVidu token and LiveKit URL to the component.
    5. Customize the appearance of the components using CSS variables.

In your main.ts application file, import the it and configure it as follows:

// Other imports ...

import { OpenViduComponentsModule, OpenViduComponentsConfig } from 'openvidu-components-angular';

const config: OpenViduComponentsConfig = {
    production: true,

bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
    providers: [
            // Other imports ...
}).catch((err) => console.error(err));

Use the ov-admin-login component to create a login form and the ov-admin-dashboard component to create the admin dashboard.

import { OpenViduComponentsModule } from 'openvidu-components-angular';

  selector: 'app-root',
    @if (logged) {
    } @else {
    <ov-admin-login (onLoginRequested)="onLoginRequested($event)">
  styles: [''],
  standalone: true,
  imports: [OpenViduComponentsModule],
export class AppComponent {

  roomName = 'openvidu-admin-dashboard'; // (1)!

  logged: boolean = false; // (2)!

  // Recordings list to show in the dashboard
  // This is a dummy list, you should replace it with your own list from the server
  recordings: WritableSignal<RecordingInfo[]> = signal([ // (3)!
      id: 'recording1',
      roomName: this.roomName,
      roomId: 'roomId1',
      outputMode: RecordingOutputMode.COMPOSED,
      status: RecordingStatus.READY,
      filename: 'sampleRecording.mp4',
      startedAt: new Date().getTime(),
      endedAt: new Date().getTime(),
      duration: 0,
      size: 100,
      location: 'http://localhost:8080/recordings/recording1',

  constructor() {}

  onLoginRequested(credentials: { username: string; password: string }) { // (4)!
    console.log(`Login button clicked ${credentials}`);
     * WARNING! This code is developed for didactic purposes only.
     * The authentication process should be done in the server side.
    this.logged = true;

  onLogoutRequested() { // (5)!
    console.log('Logout button clicked');
     * WARNING! This code is developed for didactic purposes only.
     * The authentication process should be done in the server side.
    this.logged = false;

  onRefreshRecordingsRequested() { // (6)!
    console.log('Refresh recording clicked');
     * WARNING! This code is developed for didactic purposes only.
     * The authentication process should be done in the server side.
    // Getting the recordings from the server
    this.recordings.update(() => [
        id: 'recording1',
        roomName: this.title,
        roomId: 'roomId1',
        outputMode: RecordingOutputMode.COMPOSED,
        status: RecordingStatus.READY,
        filename: 'sampleRecording1.mp4',
        startedAt: new Date().getTime(),
        endedAt: new Date().getTime(),
        duration: 0,
        size: 100,
        location: 'http://localhost:8080/recordings/recording1',

  onLoadMoreRecordingsRequested() { // (7)!
    console.log('Load more recordings clicked');

  onRecordingDeleteRequested(recording: RecordingDeleteRequestedEvent) { // (8)!
    console.log(`Delete recording clicked ${recording.recordingId}`);
     * WARNING! This code is developed for didactic purposes only.
     * The authentication process should be done in the server side.
    // Deleting the recording from the server
    this.recordings.update((recordings) =>
      recordings.filter((rec) => !== recording.recordingId)

  1. roomName: OpenVidu Room name.
  2. logged: Boolean that indicates if the user is logged in.
  3. recordings: Dummy list of recordings to show in the dashboard. You should replace it with your own list from the server from the server.
  4. onLoginRequested method that fires when the login button is clicked.
  5. onLogoutRequested method that fires when the logout button is clicked.
  6. onRefreshRecordingsRequested method that fires when the refresh recordings button is clicked.
  7. onLoadMoreRecordingsRequested method that fires when the load more recordings button is clicked.
  8. onRecordingDeleteRequested method that fires when the delete recording button is clicked.

The app.component.ts file declares the following properties and methods:

  • roomName: OpenVidu Room name.
  • logged: Boolean that indicates if the user is logged in.
  • recordings: Dummy list of recordings to show in the dashboard. You should replace it with your own list from the server from the server.
  • onLoginRequested method that fires when the login button is clicked.
  • onLogoutRequested method that fires when the logout button is clicked.
  • onRefreshRecordingsRequested method that fires when the refresh recordings button is clicked.
  • onLoadMoreRecordingsRequested method that fires when the load more recordings button is clicked.
  • onRecordingDeleteRequested method that fires when the delete recording button is clicked.

Configure the URLs

When running OpenVidu locally, leave APPLICATION_SERVER_URL and LIVEKIT_URL variables empty. The function configureUrls() will automatically configure them with default values. However, for other deployment type, you should configure these variables with the correct URLs depending on your deployment.

The OpenVidu Components Angular library provides a set of CSS variables that you can use to customize the appearance of the components. You can define these variables in your application's global styles file (e.g. styles.scss).

:root {
    /* Basic colors */
    --ov-background-color: #303030; // Background color
    --ov-surface-color: #ffffff; // Surfaces colors (panels, dialogs)

    /* Text colors */
    --ov-text-primary-color: #ffffff; // Text color over primary background
    --ov-text-surface-color: #1d1d1d; // Text color over surface background

    /* Action colors */
    --ov-primary-action-color: #273235; // Primary color for buttons, etc.
    --ov-secondary-action-color: #f1f1f1; // Secondary color for buttons, etc.
    --ov-accent-action-color: #0089ab; // Color for highlighted elements

    /* Status colors */
    --ov-error-color: #eb5144; // Error color
    --ov-warn-color: #ffba53; // Warning color

    /* Radius */
    --ov-toolbar-buttons-radius: 50%; // Radius for toolbar buttons
    --ov-leave-button-radius: 10px; // Radius for leave button
    --ov-video-radius: 5px; // Radius for videos
    --ov-surface-radius: 5px; // Radius for surfaces