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Enable Webhooks#

If you need to integrate OpenVidu with other services, you can use webhooks to send notifications about events that occur in your OpenVidu deployment. This guide explains how to enable webhooks.

OpenVidu Server Configuration#

  1. SSH into one of your Master Nodes (or Single Node).
  2. Add to the file livekit.yaml the following configuration:

        api_key: ${openvidu.LIVEKIT_API_KEY:?mandatory}
            - https://<YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL>

    The file is located at:

    • Single Node: /opt/openvidu/config/livekit.yaml
    • Elastic / High Availability: /opt/openvidu/config/cluster/media_node/livekit.yaml

    Make sure the webhook section exists in the file, and if it doesn't, add it as stated in the previous snippet. Then, add the URL where you want to receive the webhook notifications. In this example, <YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL> is the URL where you want to receive the notifications.

  3. Restart the Master Node (or Single Node) to apply the changes:

    systemctl restart openvidu

    This command will restart the services which changed their configuration files in your entire OpenVidu deployment.

PRO V2 Compatibility Configuration#

If you are using the V2 Compatibility module, you can also enable webhooks for the V2 Compatibility layer.

  1. SSH into one of your Master Nodes (or Single Node).
  2. Add to the file v2compatibility.env the following parameters:


    Where <YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL> is the URL where you want to receive the notifications.

    Check in the Configuration Reference all the webhook events that you can receive setting up the parameter V2COMPAT_OPENVIDU_WEBHOOK_EVENTS.