How to deploy and configure OpenVidu with an existing external proxy#
By default, OpenVidu is deployed with an internal Caddy server to configure and manage SSL certificates. However, there are certain scenarios where using an external proxy might be preferable:
- You wish to manage SSL certificates manually.
- A specific proxy server is required for enhanced security.
- You need to integrate a proxy server already in your infrastructure.
If none of these scenarios apply to you and you prefer to use the default internal Caddy server, please refer to the official installation guides.
For those needing to deploy OpenVidu using an external proxy, this guide offers detailed steps to deploy it and configure the external proxy.
- External Proxy for OpenVidu Single Node
- External Proxy for OpenVidu Elastic
- External Proxy for OpenVidu High Availability
The Single Node deployment with an external proxy is based on the same instructions as the Single Node Deployment, but with some modifications to the installation command and port rules. We recommend you to read the Single Node Deployment guide before proceeding with this guide to have a better understanding of the deployment.
This is how the architecture of the deployment looks like:
1. Prerequisites
To deploy OpenVidu with an external proxy, ensure you have the following prerequisites:
- A machine with at least 4GB RAM and 4 CPU cores and Linux installed (Ubuntu recommended). This machine will serve as the OpenVidu server.
- An additional machine for the proxy server is recommended. Alternatively, you can use the same machine as OpenVidu, but be aware that the proxy server will consume resources. Note that some ports will be used by OpenVidu, except for the ports utilized by the proxy server (TCP 80, 443, and 1935).
- Generous disk space (100GB recommended) if you are going to record your sessions.
- The machine where OpenVidu is installed must have a Public IP or a reachable IP from the users.
- The proxy server also must have a Public IP or a reachable IP from the users.
- A domain name for your OpenVidu deployment pointing to the machine where the proxy server is running. In this guide, we will use
. - Optionally (but recommended), you need an additional domain name pointing to the proxy machine where the proxy server is running. It will be used for TURN with TLS which is useful in case your users are behind restrictive firewalls to be able to connect to OpenVidu. In this guide, we will use
2. Port Rules
You can follow the same rule ports of the Single Node Deployment but some ports are used by the proxy server and others are not needed. The inbound rules for the OpenVidu proxy would be as follows:
Inbound Rules
Protocol | Ports | Source |
Description |
TCP | 7880 | External proxy | Allows access to the following:
TCP | 1945 | External proxy | Needed if you want to ingest RTMP streams using Ingress service. |
TCP | 5349 | External proxy | Optional and needed only if you have a domain for TURN and you want to use TURN with TLS |
UDP | 443 |, ::/0 | STUN/TURN server over UDP. |
TCP | 7881 |, ::/0 | Needed if you want to allow WebRTC over TCP. |
UDP | 7885 |, ::/0 | Needed if you want to ingest WebRTC using WHIP protocol. |
TCP | 9000 |, ::/0 | Needed if you want to expose MinIO publicly. |
UDP | 50000 - 60000 |, ::/0 | WebRTC Media traffic. |
Outbound Rules
Typically, all outbound traffic is allowed.
Inbound Rules
Protocol | Ports | Source |
Description |
TCP | 80 |, ::/0 | HTTP redirection to HTTPS. |
TCP | 443 |, ::/0 | HTTPS access to the OpenVidu API and TURN with TLS. |
TCP | 1935 |, ::/0 | RTMP with TLS. |
3. Install OpenVidu Single Node with --external-proxy
To deploy OpenVidu with an external proxy, you must use the CLI installation command with the --external-proxy
flag. The command to install OpenVidu with an external proxy is as follows:
sh <(curl -fsSL \
--no-tty --install \
--domain-name='' \
--turn-domain-name='' \
--enabled-modules='observability,app' \
--livekit-api-key='xxxxx' \
--livekit-api-secret='xxxxx' \
--dashboard-admin-user='xxxxx' \
--dashboard-admin-password='xxxxx' \
--redis-password='xxxxx' \
--minio-access-key='xxxxx' \
--minio-secret-key='xxxxx' \
--mongo-admin-user='xxxxx' \
--mongo-admin-password='xxxxx' \
--mongo-replica-set-key='xxxxx' \
--grafana-admin-user='xxxxx' \
--grafana-admin-password='xxxxx' \
--default-app-user='xxxxx' \
--default-app-password='xxxxx' \
--default-app-admin-user='xxxxx' \
--default-app-admin-password='xxxxx' \
In case you want to deploy a specific version, just replace latest
with the desired version. For example: 3.1.0
- Replace
with your FQDN. - The
parameter is optional. You define it only if you want to enable TURN with TLS in case users are behind restrictive firewalls.If you don't have a TURN server, you can remove it from the command. If you want to use TURN with TLS,
with your TURN server FQDN.
4. Configure the external proxy
We will use Nginx as the proxy server, but the configuration can be adapted to other proxy servers. The configuration for the proxy server is as follows:
If you have installed OpenVidu with both domains (
) and both domains are pointing to the same proxy, the proxy needs to be configured as a Layer 4 proxy (TCP) because the TURN and HTTP traffic share the same port (443). We will use the Server Name Indication (SNI) of the TLS handshake to discern the traffic. The rules would be as follows:
- Configure a redirect rule to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS in port 80.
- Configure a rule to proxy all Layer 4 TLS incoming proxy traffic in port 443 to the OpenVidu Master Node in port 7880 for domain
. This is for the HTTP traffic of the OpenVidu API and other services. - Configure a rule to proxy all Layer 4 TLS incoming proxy traffic in port 443 to the OpenVidu Master Node in port 5349 for domain
. This is for the TURN service. - Configure a rule to proxy all Layer 4 TLS incoming proxy traffic in port 1935 to the OpenVidu Master Node in port 1945 for RTMP traffic.
The following is an example of an Nginx configuration file that includes all the rules mentioned above:
events {
worker_connections 10240;
# Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
http {
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
stream {
upstream api_backend {
upstream turn_backend {
upstream rtmp_backend {
# Use SNI to determine which upstream server to proxy to
map $ssl_server_name $upstream { api_backend; turn_backend;
# Use SNI to determine which certificate to use
map $ssl_server_name $certificate { /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-cert.pem; /etc/nginx/ssl/turn-cert.pem;
# Use SNI to determine which private key to use
map $ssl_server_name $private_key { /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-privkey.pem; /etc/nginx/ssl/turn-privkey.pem;
# Proxy for API and TURN
server {
listen 443 ssl;
listen [::]:443 ssl;
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
proxy_connect_timeout 10s;
proxy_timeout 30s;
ssl_certificate $certificate;
ssl_certificate_key $private_key;
proxy_pass $upstream;
server {
listen 1935 ssl;
listen [::]:1935 ssl;
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
proxy_connect_timeout 10s;
proxy_timeout 30s;
ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-cert.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-privkey.pem;
proxy_pass rtmp_backend;
- Replace
with your domain names. These domain names must be configured in your DNS to point to the proxy server. - Replace
with the private IP of the OpenVidu server. - You can also have a proxy in the same machine as OpenVidu, simply replace
If you only configure the main domain
to be served by OpenVidu, you simply need to:
- Configure a rule to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS in port 80.
- Configure a rule to proxy all Layer 7 HTTPS incoming proxy traffic in port 443 to the OpenVidu Master Node in port 7880.
- Configure a rule to proxy all Layer 4 TLS incoming proxy traffic in port 1935 to the OpenVidu Master Node in port 1945.
As RTMP is a Layer 4 protocol, you need to configure a separate stream
block in the Nginx configuration file, while the rest of the rules can be configured in the http
The following is an example of an Nginx configuration file that includes all the rules mentioned above:
events {
worker_connections 10240;
http {
upstream api_backend {
# Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
# HTTPS Layer 7 proxy
server {
listen 443 ssl;
listen [::]:443 ssl;
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-cert.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-privkey.pem;
location / {
# Proxy to OpenVidu
proxy_pass http://api_backend;
# Add WebSocket support
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
# Proxy headers
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
# Timeouts
proxy_connect_timeout 10s;
proxy_read_timeout 30s;
proxy_send_timeout 30s;
stream {
upstream rtmp_backend {
# RTMP Layer 4 proxy
server {
listen 1935 ssl;
listen [::]:1935 ssl;
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
proxy_connect_timeout 10s;
proxy_timeout 30s;
ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-cert.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-privkey.pem;
proxy_pass rtmp_backend;
You can create an stream
block for the HTTPS rule as well for consistency instead of creating an http
block. In this way all rules are in the stream
block. The rules would be these:
- Configure a rule to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS in port 80.
- Configure a rule to proxy all Layer 4 TLS incoming proxy traffic in port 443 to the OpenVidu Master Node in port 7880.
- Configure a rule to proxy all Layer 4 TLS incoming proxy traffic in port 1935 to the OpenVidu Master Node in port 1945.
The following is an example of an Nginx configuration file that includes all the rules mentioned above:
events {
worker_connections 10240;
# Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
http {
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
stream {
upstream api_backend {
upstream rtmp_backend {
# Proxy for API and TURN
server {
listen 443 ssl;
listen [::]:443 ssl;
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
proxy_connect_timeout 10s;
proxy_timeout 30s;
ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-cert.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-privkey.pem;
proxy_pass api_backend;
server {
listen 1935 ssl;
listen [::]:1935 ssl;
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
proxy_connect_timeout 10s;
proxy_timeout 30s;
ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-cert.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-privkey.pem;
proxy_pass rtmp_backend;
- Replace
with your domain name. This domain name must be configured in your DNS to point to the proxy server. - Replace
with the private IP of the OpenVidu server. - You can also have a proxy in the same machine as OpenVidu, simply replace
The Elastic deployment with an external proxy is based on the same instructions as the Elastic Deployment, but with some modifications to the installation command and port rules. We recommend you to read the Elastic Deployment guide before proceeding with this guide to have a better understanding of the deployment.
This is how the architecture of the deployment looks like:
1. Prerequisites
To deploy OpenVidu Elastic with an external proxy, ensure you have the following prerequisites:
- At least 2 machines for OpenVidu, each with a minimum of 4GB RAM, 4 CPU cores, and Linux installed (Ubuntu is recommended). One machine will serve as the Master Node, while the others will function as Media Nodes.
- An additional machine for the proxy server is recommended. Alternatively, you can use the same machine as the Master Node, but be aware that the proxy server will consume resources. Note that some ports will be used by OpenVidu, except for the ports utilized by the proxy server (TCP 80, 443, and 1935).
- Significant disk space on the Master Node, with 100GB recommended, especially if you plan to record your sessions (Egress). Media Nodes require less space; however, account for the space needed for ongoing recordings on these nodes.
- Each machine must have a Public IP or a reachable IP from the users.
- The proxy server must have a Public IP or a reachable IP from the users.
- A domain name for your OpenVidu deployment pointing to the proxy server. In this guide, we will use
. - Optionally (but recommended), you need an additional domain name pointing to the proxy server. It will be used for TURN with TLS which is useful in case your users are behind restrictive firewalls. In this guide, we will use
2. Port Rules
You can follow the same rule ports of the Elastic Deployment for the Master Node and for the Media Nodes but some ports are used by the proxy server and others are not needed. The inbound rules for the OpenVidu proxy would be as follows:
Inbound Rules
Protocol | Ports | Source |
Description |
TCP | 7880 | External Proxy | Allows access to the following:
TCP | 1935 | External Proxy | Needed if you want to ingest RTMP streams using Ingress service. |
TCP | 5349 | External proxy | Optional and needed only if you have a domain for TURN and you want to use TURN with TLS |
TCP | 4443 | Media Nodes | Needed when 'OpenVidu v2 Compatibility' module is used (v2compatibility in ENABLED_MODULES global parameter). Media Nodes need access to this port to reach OpenVidu V2 compatibility service |
TCP | 6080 | Media Nodes | Needed when 'Default App' module is used (app in ENABLED_MODULES global parameter). Media Nodes need access to this port to reach OpenVidu Call (Default Application). |
TCP | 3100 | Media Nodes | Needed when 'Observability' module is used (observability in ENABLED_MODULES global parameter) Media Nodes need access to this port to reach Loki. |
TCP | 9009 | Media Nodes | Needed when 'Observability' module is used. (observability in ENABLED_MODULES global parameter) Media Nodes need access to this port to reach Mimir. |
TCP | 7000 | Media Nodes | Media Nodes need access to this port to reach Redis Service. |
TCP | 9100 | Media Nodes | Media Nodes need access to this port to reach MinIO. |
TCP | 20000 | Media Nodes | Media Nodes need access to this port to reach MongoDB. |
Outbound Rules
Typically, all outbound traffic is allowed.
Inbound Rules
Protocol | Ports |
Source |
Description |
UDP | 443 |, ::/0 | STUN/TURN over UDP. |
TCP | 7881 |, ::/0 | Needed if you want to allow WebRTC over TCP. |
UDP | 7885 |, ::/0 | Needed if you want to ingest WebRTC using WHIP. |
UDP | 50000-60000 |, ::/0 | WebRTC Media traffic. |
TCP | 1935 | Master Node | Needed if you want to ingest RTMP streams using Ingress service. Master Node needs access to this port to reach Ingress RTMP service and expose it using TLS (RTMPS). |
TCP | 5349 | Master Node | Needed if you have configured TURN with a domain for TLS. Master Node needs access to this port to reach TURN service and expose it using TLS (TURNS). |
TCP | 7880 | Master Node | LiveKit API. Master Node needs access to load balance LiveKit API and expose it through HTTPS. |
TCP | 8080 | Master Node | Needed if you want to ingest WebRTC streams using WHIP. Master Node needs access to this port to reach WHIP HTTP service. |
Outbound Rules
Typically, all outbound traffic is allowed.
And the inbound rules for the proxy server would be as follows:
Protocol | Ports | Source |
Description |
TCP | 80 |, ::/0 | HTTP redirection to HTTPS. |
TCP | 443 |, ::/0 | HTTPS access to the OpenVidu API and TURN with TLS. |
TCP | 1935 |, ::/0 | RTMP with TLS. |
3. Install OpenVidu Elastic with --external-proxy
To deploy OpenVidu Elastic with an external proxy, you must use the CLI installation command with the --external-proxy
flag. The command to install OpenVidu Elastic with an external proxy is as follows:
sh <(curl -fsSL \
--no-tty --install \
--node-role='master-node' \
--openvidu-pro-license='xxxxx' \
--domain-name='' \
--turn-domain-name='' \
--enabled-modules='observability,v2compatibility,app' \
--rtc-engine='pion' \
--livekit-api-key='xxxxx' \
--livekit-api-secret='xxxxx' \
--dashboard-admin-user='xxxxx' \
--dashboard-admin-password='xxxxx' \
--redis-password='xxxxx' \
--minio-access-key='xxxxx' \
--minio-secret-key='xxxxx' \
--mongo-admin-user='xxxxx' \
--mongo-admin-password='xxxxx' \
--mongo-replica-set-key='xxxxx' \
--grafana-admin-user='xxxxx' \
--grafana-admin-password='xxxxx' \
--default-app-user='xxxxx' \
--default-app-password='xxxxx' \
--default-app-admin-user='xxxxx' \
--default-app-admin-password='xxxxx' \
--private-ip='<MASTER_NODE_PRIVATE_IP>' \
In case you want to deploy a specific version, just replace latest
with the desired version. For example: 3.1.0
is mandatory. You can get a 15-day free trial license key by creating an OpenVidu account.- Replace
with your FQDN. - The
parameter is optional. You define it only if you want to enable TURN with TLS in case users are behind restrictive firewalls. If you don't have a TURN server, you can remove it from the command. If you want to use TURN with TLS,
with your TURN server FQDN. --private-ip
is very important. It should not change and Media Nodes should be able to reach the Master Node using this IP. Replace<MASTER_NODE_PRIVATE_IP>
with the private IP of the Master Node.- Depending on the RTC engine, the argument
can bepion
To install a Media Node, you can use the following command:
sh <(curl -fsSL \
--no-tty --install \
--node-role='media-node' \
--master-node-private-ip='<MASTER_NODE_PRIVATE_IP>' \
In case you want to deploy a specific version, just replace latest
with the desired version. For example: 3.1.0
- The
is the private IP of the Master Node. Replace<MASTER_NODE_PRIVATE_IP>
with the private IP of the Master Node. - The
is the password used to connect to the Redis service. Replacexxxxx
with the same password used in the Master Node installation.
4. Configure the external proxy
We will use Nginx as the proxy server, but the configuration can be adapted to other proxy servers. The configuration for the proxy server is as follows:
If you have installed OpenVidu with both domains (
) and both domains are pointing to the same proxy, the proxy needs to be configured as a Layer 4 proxy (TCP) because the TURN and HTTP traffic share the same port (443). We will use the Server Name Indication (SNI) of the TLS handshake to discern the traffic. The rules would be as follows:
- Configure a redirect rule to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS in port 80.
- Configure a rule to proxy all Layer 4 TLS incoming proxy traffic in port 443 to the OpenVidu Master Node in port 7880 for domain
. This is for the HTTP traffic of the OpenVidu API and other services. - Configure a rule to proxy all Layer 4 TLS incoming proxy traffic in port 443 to the OpenVidu Master Node in port 5349 for domain
. This is for the TURN service. - Configure a rule to proxy all Layer 4 TLS incoming proxy traffic in port 1935 to the OpenVidu Master Node in port 1945 for RTMP traffic.
The following is an example of an Nginx configuration file that includes all the rules mentioned above:
events {
worker_connections 10240;
# Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
http {
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
stream {
upstream api_backend {
upstream turn_backend {
upstream rtmp_backend {
# Use SNI to determine which upstream server to proxy to
map $ssl_server_name $upstream { api_backend; turn_backend;
# Use SNI to determine which certificate to use
map $ssl_server_name $certificate { /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-cert.pem; /etc/nginx/ssl/turn-cert.pem;
# Use SNI to determine which private key to use
map $ssl_server_name $private_key { /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-privkey.pem; /etc/nginx/ssl/turn-privkey.pem;
# Proxy for API and TURN
server {
listen 443 ssl;
listen [::]:443 ssl;
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
proxy_connect_timeout 10s;
proxy_timeout 30s;
ssl_certificate $certificate;
ssl_certificate_key $private_key;
proxy_pass $upstream;
server {
listen 1935 ssl;
listen [::]:1935 ssl;
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
proxy_connect_timeout 10s;
proxy_timeout 30s;
ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-cert.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-privkey.pem;
proxy_pass rtmp_backend;
- Replace
with your domain names. These domain names must be configured in your DNS to point to the proxy server. - Replace
with the private IP of the Master Node. - You can also have a proxy in the same machine as the Master Node, simply replace
If you only configure the main domain
to be served by OpenVidu, you simply need to:
- Configure a rule to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS in port 80.
- Configure a rule to proxy all Layer 7 HTTPS incoming proxy traffic in port 443 to the OpenVidu Master Node in port 7880.
- Configure a rule to proxy all Layer 4 TLS incoming proxy traffic in port 1935 to the OpenVidu Master Node in port 1945.
As RTMP is a Layer 4 protocol, you need to configure a separate stream
block in the Nginx configuration file, while the rest of the rules can be configured in the http
The following is an example of an Nginx configuration file that includes all the rules mentioned above:
events {
worker_connections 10240;
http {
upstream api_backend {
# Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
# HTTPS Layer 7 proxy
server {
listen 443 ssl;
listen [::]:443 ssl;
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-cert.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-privkey.pem;
location / {
# Proxy to OpenVidu
proxy_pass http://api_backend;
# Add WebSocket support
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
# Proxy headers
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
# Timeouts
proxy_connect_timeout 10s;
proxy_read_timeout 30s;
proxy_send_timeout 30s;
stream {
upstream rtmp_backend {
# RTMP Layer 4 proxy
server {
listen 1935 ssl;
listen [::]:1935 ssl;
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
proxy_connect_timeout 10s;
proxy_timeout 30s;
ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-cert.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-privkey.pem;
proxy_pass rtmp_backend;
You can create an stream
block for the HTTPS rule as well for consistency instead of creating an http
block. In this way all rules are in the stream
block. The rules would be these:
- Configure a rule to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS in port 80.
- Configure a rule to proxy all Layer 4 TLS incoming proxy traffic in port 443 to the OpenVidu Master Node in port 7880.
- Configure a rule to proxy all Layer 4 TLS incoming proxy traffic in port 1935 to the OpenVidu Master Node in port 1945.
The following is an example of an Nginx configuration file that includes all the rules mentioned above:
events {
worker_connections 10240;
# Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
http {
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
stream {
upstream api_backend {
upstream rtmp_backend {
# Proxy for API and TURN
server {
listen 443 ssl;
listen [::]:443 ssl;
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
proxy_connect_timeout 10s;
proxy_timeout 30s;
ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-cert.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-privkey.pem;
proxy_pass api_backend;
server {
listen 1935 ssl;
listen [::]:1935 ssl;
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
proxy_connect_timeout 10s;
proxy_timeout 30s;
ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-cert.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/openvidu-privkey.pem;
proxy_pass rtmp_backend;
- Replace
with your domain name. This domain name must be configured in your DNS to point to the proxy server. - Replace
with the private IP of the Master Node. - You can also have a proxy in the same machine as the Master Node, simply replace
The High Availability deployment already has a way to configure an external proxy (described as a Network Load Balancer), which is explained in this section.