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Create AWS certificate for OpenVidu HA deployment#

You will need this certificate to be able to deploy the High Availability deployment. This guide is meant to show you how to do it.


Is important to notice that in your AWS you will need to have access to the Certificate Manager. As well as having access to a domain provider.
You will need to have one domain to be able to create and vinculate the certificate.


Those are the steps you need to follow to create the AWS certificate, keep in mind that you need a domain.

First go to AWS Certificate Manager and request a new public certificate. The following parameter is the most important.

AWS Certificate Manager view
Domain configuration

You need to replace yourdesiredname for whatever name you want and yourdomain for the name of the domain that you own.

Next leave the rest of the parameters as they are and click request.

The next page will prompt out the certificate status, here you will need to create a record in your domain provider to validate the status, first you will have status pending.

Here you will need to create a new CNAME record in the domain you own by using as subdomain the CNAME name until the domain name and the CNAME value as the value of that record.

In AWS Certificate Manager you can check the CNAME name and value clicking into the certificate you want.

Create record in Route 53
Create record in Route 53

You need to click the button called Create records in Route 53. This will lead you to the next image where you just click Create records and that's it.

Create record page
Create record for certificate

Please verify that you have a new entry in the records table of the specified Hosted Zone in Route 53 with the CNAME of the certificate you just created.

Try to refresh until you reach the Issued status in green.

Finally when deploying the HA stack in CloudFormation follow these steps

Load Balancer cofiguration
Load balancer configuration

Those are parameters related to the certificate you just created.

You have to fill field DomainName with the domain name that appears in the certificate that you created, the one that matches yourdesiredname.yourdomain mentioned earlier.

Next for the OpenViduCertificateARN, you can find it at the top of the same page I mentioned earlier, it is called ARN, as you can see in the image below.

ARN and domain location
Domain name and ARN location

When everything is up and running you will need to create a new record in the Hosted Zone referring to the Load Balancer resource created in the stack.

Create Load Balancer record
Create Load Balancer record

Note that Alias is checked.

In subdomain you just have to put the same as you put in yourdesiredname creating the AWS certificate.
In Choose endpoint you just have to select Alias to Network Load Balancer, and in Choose Region select your region where the stack is deployed.
After selecting the endpoint and region a new field will appear, select there the load balancer that belongs to the stack you have deployed.

For the other fields, leave them as they are.