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Configuration Reference#


This file defines global configuration parameters used by other services. Such as the domain name, credentials, etc.

Parameter Description
DOMAIN_NAME The domain name for the deployment. Use this domain name to access. OpenVidu APIs and services.
LIVEKIT_API_KEY Global LiveKit API Key and Secret used for apps to connect to OpenVidu.
LIVEKIT_API_SECRET Global LiveKit API Key and Secret used for apps to connect to OpenVidu.
MINIO_ACCESS_KEY Access key for MinIO.
MINIO_SECRET_KEY Secret key for MinIO.
MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME MongoDB admin username.
MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD MongoDB admin password.
DASHBOARD_ADMIN_USERNAME Admin username for OpenVidu Dashboard
DASHBOARD_ADMIN_PASSWORD Admin password for OpenVidu Dashboard
GRAFANA_ADMIN_USERNAME Admin username for Grafana
GRAFANA_ADMIN_PASSWORD Admin password for Grafana
OPENVIDU_PRO_LICENSE PRO OpenVidu Pro license key. Get an OpenVidu Pro License here.
OPENVIDU_RTC_ENGINE PRO The WebRTC engine to use. Can be pion or mediasoup.


This file defines the configuration parameters for the OpenVidu Call application.

Parameter Description
SERVER_PORT Port where the OpenVidu Call application will be running.
LIVEKIT_URL The public URL of the LiveKit server which external clients will use to connect to the OpenVidu Call application.
LIVEKIT_URL_PRIVATE The private URL of the LiveKit server which OpenVidu Call backend will use to connect to the LiveKit Server internally.
LIVEKIT_API_KEY LiveKit API Key for the OpenVidu Call application to connect to the LiveKit server.
CALL_PRIVATE_ACCESS If true, only authenticated users can access the OpenVidu Call application.
CALL_USER Username for the OpenVidu Call application.
CALL_SECRET Password for the OpenVidu Call application.
CALL_ADMIN_USER Admin username for the OpenVidu Call application.
CALL_ADMIN_SECRET Admin password for the OpenVidu Call application.
CALL_S3_BUCKET S3 bucket name for OpenVidu Call application. It is used to store recordings.
CALL_S3_SERVICE_ENDPOINT S3 service endpoint for OpenVidu Call application.
CALL_S3_ACCESS_KEY S3 access key for OpenVidu Call application.
CALL_S3_SECRET_KEY S3 secret key for OpenVidu Call application.
CALL_AWS_REGION AWS region of the S3 Bucket application.
CALL_S3_WITH_PATH_STYLE_ACCESS If true, use path-style access for S3.
CALL_LOG_LEVEL Log level for OpenVidu Call application. Valid values are: error, warn, info, verbose, debug, silly.

PRO v2compatibility.env#


OpenVidu V2 Compatibility is part of OpenVidu PRO. Before deploying, you need to create an OpenVidu account to get your license key. There's a 15-day free trial waiting for you!

This file defines the configuration parameters for the OpenVidu V2 Compatibility Server.

Parameter Description
OPENVIDU_PRO_LICENSE OpenVidu Pro license key. Get an OpenVidu Pro License here.
V2COMPAT_OPENVIDU_SHIM_PORT Port where the OpenVidu V2 Compatibility will be running. By default is 4443
V2COMPAT_OPENVIDU_SHIM_URL Public URL used for openvidu v2 applications used by external clients to connect to the OpenVidu V2 Compatibility Server.
V2COMPAT_OPENVIDU_SECRET OpenVidu Secret used by openvidu v2 applications to connect to the OpenVidu deployment.
V2COMPAT_LIVEKIT_URL LiveKit URL used by external clients to connect to the OpenVidu V2 Compatibility Server using the LiveKit protocol.
V2COMPAT_LIVEKIT_URL_PRIVATE LiveKit URL used by the OpenVidu V2 Compatibility Server to connect to the LiveKit Server internally.
V2COMPAT_LIVEKIT_API_KEY LiveKit API Key used by the OpenVidu V2 Compatibility Server to interact with the LiveKit Server.
V2COMPAT_LIVEKIT_API_SECRET LiveKit API Secret used by the OpenVidu V2 Compatibility Server to interact with the LiveKit Server.
V2COMPAT_REDIS_HOST Redis host used by the OpenVidu V2 Compatibility Server to store session data.
V2COMPAT_REDIS_PORT Redis port used by the OpenVidu V2 Compatibility Server to connect to the Redis server.
V2COMPAT_REDIS_PASSWORD Redis password used by the OpenVidu V2 Compatibility Server to connect to the Redis server.
V2COMPAT_REDIS_SENTINEL_HOST_LIST Redis Sentinel host list used by the OpenVidu V2 Compatibility Server to connect to Redis Sentinel servers.
V2COMPAT_REDIS_SENTINEL_PASSWORD Redis Sentinel password used by the OpenVidu V2 Compatibility Server to connect to Redis Sentinel servers.
V2COMPAT_REDIS_MASTER_NAME Redis Sentinel master name used by the OpenVidu V2 Compatibility Server to connect to Redis Sentinel servers.
V2COMPAT_REDIS_DB Redis database used by the OpenVidu V2 Compatibility Server. Default value is 0.
V2COMPAT_OPENVIDU_RECORDING_PATH Path where the OpenVidu V2 Compatibility Server will store recordings locally. By default in the deployments is /opt/openvidu/recordings.
V2COMPAT_OPENVIDU_PRO_RECORDING_STORAGE Where to store the recordings. Valid values are:
  • local: Store the recordings in the local filesystem at the path V2COMPAT_OPENVIDU_RECORDING_PATH
  • s3: Store the recordings in the configured S3 bucket
Default value is local
V2COMPAT_OPENVIDU_RECORDING_CUSTOM_LAYOUT_URL URL of the custom layout used by the OpenVidu V2 Compatibility Server to generate the recordings.
V2COMPAT_OPENVIDU_PRO_AWS_S3_WITH_PATH_STYLE_ACCESS If true, use path-style access for S3.
V2COMPAT_OPENVIDU_RECORDING_ZIP_FILES If true, save individual recordings as zip files
V2COMPAT_OPENVIDU_RECORDING_RAW_FILES If true, save individual recordings as files directly
V2COMPAT_OPENVIDU_PRO_AWS_S3_BUCKET Default bucket name for recordings
V2COMPAT_OPENVIDU_PRO_AWS_S3_SERVICE_ENDPOINT S3 service endpoint for the recordings
V2COMPAT_OPENVIDU_PRO_AWS_ACCESS_KEY Access key for the recordings S3 bucket
V2COMPAT_OPENVIDU_PRO_AWS_SECRET_KEY Secret key for the recordings S3 bucket
V2COMPAT_OPENVIDU_PRO_AWS_REGION AWS region of the recordings S3 bucket
V2COMPAT_OPENVIDU_WEBHOOK If true, the OpenVidu V2 Compatibility Server will send webhooks to V2COMPAT_OPENVIDU_WEBHOOK_ENDPOINT
V2COMPAT_OPENVIDU_WEBHOOK_HEADERS JSON Array list of headers to send in the OpenVidu V2 Webhook events. For example:
["Content-Type: application/json"]
V2COMPAT_OPENVIDU_WEBHOOK_EVENTS Comma-separated list of OpenVidu V2 Webhook events to send. All available events are:
  • sessionCreated
  • sessionDestroyed
  • participantJoined
  • participantLeft
  • webrtcConnectionCreated
  • webrtcConnectionDestroyed
  • recordingStatusChanged
  • signalSent


As OpenVidu Server is built on top of LiveKit, the configuration of OpenVidu Server is done in the livekit.yaml file in its own openvidu section in this file. The rest of the configuration is the same as the LiveKit server configuration.

COMMUNITY OpenVidu Server Configuration:#

    analytics: # (1)
        enabled: true # (2)
        mongo_url: mongodb://<MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME>:<MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD>@localhost:20000/ # (3)
        interval: 10s # (4)
        expiration: 768h # (5)
  1. The analytics configuration should be defined at the openvidu level in the livekit.yaml file.
  2. This must be set to true to send analytics data to MongoDB. If set to false, no analytics data will be sent.
  3. MongoDB connection string. In OpenVidu Single Node, the MongoDB service is running on the same machine, so you can use localhost as the hostname. The default port in OpenVidu for MongoDB is 20000. MONGO_ADMIN_USERNAME and MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD are the credentials to access the MongoDB database.
  4. Time interval to send analytics data to MongoDB.
  5. Time to keep the analytics data in MongoDB. In this example, it is set to 32 days.

PRO OpenVidu Server Configuration:#


Before deploying OpenVidu PRO, you need to create an OpenVidu account to get your license key. There's a 15-day free trial waiting for you!

    license: <YOUR_OPENVIDU_PRO_LICENSE> # (1)
    cluster_id: <YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME> # (2)
    analytics: # (3)
        enabled: true # (4)
        interval: 10s # (5)
        expiration: 768h # (6)
        mongo_url: <MONGO_URL> # (7)
        engine: pion # (8)
        debug: "" # (9)
        log_level: error # (10)
        log_tags: [info, ice, rtp, rtcp, message] # (11)
  1. Specify your OpenVidu Pro license key. If you don't have one, you can request one here.
  2. The cluster ID for the OpenVidu deployment. It is configured by default by OpenVidu Installer with the domain name of the deployment.
  3. The analytics configuration should be defined at the openvidu level in the livekit.yaml file.
  4. This must be set to true to send analytics data to MongoDB. If set to false, no analytics data will be sent.
  5. Time interval to send analytics data to MongoDB.
  6. Time to keep the analytics data in MongoDB. In this example, it is set to 32 days.
  7. MongoDB URL. This is the connection string to the MongoDB database where the analytics data will be stored.
  8. The rtc.engine parameter is set to pion by default. This is the WebRTC engine used by OpenVidu. Depending on your requirements, you can use:
    • pion
    • mediasoup
  9. Global toggle to enable debugging logs from Mediasoup. In most debugging cases, using just an asterisk ("*") here is enough, but this can be fine-tuned for specific log levels. More info.
    • Default is an empty string.
  10. Logging level for logs generated by Mediasoup. More info.
    • Valid values are: debug, warn, error, none.
    • Default is error.
  11. Comma-separated list of log tag names, for debugging. More info.
    • Valid values are: info, ice, dtls, rtp, srtp, rtcp, rtx, bwe, score, simulcast, svc, sctp, message.
    • Default is [info, ice, rtp, rtcp, message].

Other Services Configuration#

OpenVidu comes with other services configured to work in the deployment. These are the configuration files for each service:

Service Description Reference documentation
OpenVidu Server Manage Rooms and Media Streams.
Ingress Service Imports video from other sources into OpenVidu rooms. LiveKit Ingress Config
Egress Service Exports video from OpenVidu rooms for recording or streaming. LiveKit Egress Config
Caddy Server Serves OpenVidu services and handles HTTPS. Caddy JSON Structure
Grafana Service Used for visualizing monitoring data. Grafana Config
Mimir Service Service for long-term prometheus storage Mimir Config
Loki Service Used for log aggregation. Loki Config
Prometheus Service Used for monitoring. Prometheus Config
Promtail Service Collects logs and sends them to Loki. Promtail Config