


The PanelComponent is hosted inside of the VideoconferenceComponent. It is in charge of displaying the videoconference panels providing functionalities to the videoconference app such as the chat (ChatPanelComponent) and list of participants (ParticipantsPanelComponent)





Type : EventEmitter<ActivitiesPanelStatusEvent>

This event is fired when the activities panel status has been changed. It provides the new status of the activities panel represented by the ActivitiesPanelStatusEvent object.

Type : EventEmitter<ChatPanelStatusEvent>

This event is fired when the chat panel status has been changed. It provides the new status of the chat panel represented by the ChatPanelStatusEvent object.

Type : EventEmitter<ParticipantsPanelStatusEvent>

This event is fired when the participants panel status has been changed. It provides the new status of the participants panel represented by the ParticipantsPanelStatusEvent object.

Type : EventEmitter<SettingsPanelStatusEvent>

This event is fired when the settings panel status has been changed. It provides the new status of the settings panel represented by the SettingsPanelStatusEvent object.

Structural Directives

With these kind of directives you can replace the default PanelComponent with your own component. You can also add your own components to the default ones.

Directive Reference
*ovPanel PanelDirective

It is also providing us a way to replace the children panels to the default panel. It will recognise the following directive in a child element.

Directive Reference
*ovChatPanel ChatPanelDirective
*ovParticipantsPanel ParticipantsPanelDirective
*ovAdditionalPanels AdditionalPanelsDirective

API Directives

With the following directives you can modify the default User Interface with the aim of fully customizing your videoconference application.

No API directives available for this component.

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    No results matching ""