


The ParticipantsPanelComponent is hosted inside of the PanelComponent. It is in charge of displaying the participants connected to the session. This component is composed by the ParticipantPanelItemComponent.


OnInit OnDestroy AfterViewInit


Structural Directives

Directive Reference
*ovParticipantsPanel ParticipantsPanelDirective

As the ParticipantsPanelComponent is composed by ParticipantPanelItemComponent, it is also providing us a way to replace the participant item with a custom one. It will recognise the following directive in a child element.

Directive Reference
*ovParticipantPanelItem ParticipantPanelItemDirective

API Directives

With the following directives you can modify the default User Interface with the aim of fully customizing your videoconference application.

No API directives available for this component.

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